Essay earns young writer county honor

After hearing about a audio essay contest while she was in history class, Brooke Huisman knew she wanted to give it a try.
‘It sounded like the right opportunity,? she said. ‘So I decided to go for it.?
The essay was the winner for the contest the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Michigan in Oakland County was sponsoring for Patriot Week 2009.
‘I was kind of shocked,? she said after hearing the news. ‘I was honored.?
When her history teacher passed out the flier during class, Huisman went to work writing and preparing for her audio essay.
The Clarkston Junior High School freshman had to discuss ‘What must my generation sacrifice to perserve our liberties and freedoms.?
‘I elaborated further on the theme and went into some of the founding principles of our nation and the constitution,? she explained.
The essay could be used based on opinion but she used information she previously learned in history classes to make her opinion carry more weight.
Huisman had entered speaking contests before, but not an audio essay contest. She admitted it was easier because the presentation was less important.
‘It’s not as nerve wrecking as getting in front of a lot of people and presenting it,? she added.
She has entered the Optimist Oratorical contest and takes part of future problem solving competitions.
Huisman stays active afterschool with various activities including volleyball, the math team, German Club, forensics team, and plays the piano. She has her heart set on going into the medical field.
‘I have a lot of interest in it,? she explained. ‘It’s always evolving and I enjoy science and math. I think I would enjoy it.?
She also likes to read and has read several memoirs and autobiographies of doctors.
She is currently reading Kite Runner for her Language Arts class.
Her parents are Warren and Elizabeth. Brooke was honored at the Oakland County Board of Commissioners meeting on Jan. 20.