Everest experiences

Everest experiences
RIGHT: Eighth grader Madelyn Krappmann with dogs Andrew and Calley. TOP: Claudia Denver, Haylee Zirwes, and Vaira Mulrenin, second graders in Michelle Wildrick’s class. Photos provided

The early part of October brought about fun events for students at Everest Collegiate High School and Academy.
One of them was October 2 – the feast of the guardian angels.
Each year on this day, students in preschool through second grade celebrate God’s special protectors, while fifth grade students prepare special activities for younger students.
Due to COVID restrictions, the day had to be adapted, but students still made the most of it.
October 4 is the annual blessing of the pets. This event is scheduled on the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4) or the closest date possible in honor of his love for God’s creatures.
Families bring their pets for a short prayer and the sprinkling of holy water on their pets.

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