Feeding the hungry around the world

The community fed 166,128 children around the world in one hour last year.
Clarkston High School students in Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club would like to see more fed this year during the second annual Kids Against Hunger event, March 23.
“It was an eye opener,” said Caelah Clark. “It was something to involve so many different age groups. It was so universal because we were helping so many places.”
“It was really powerful and exciting to be there and know you are making a difference even in a small amount of time,” Jenna Gordinier added. “It was a good experience to have.”
The event helps local organizations as well as national and international organizations. A third of the donations will go to a local food shelter.
Members of the club added one dollar can feed 42 children.
“You never knew you could make that much of an impact on an event so small,” added Morgan Dellowe. “Once you are there, you don’t even know how big of an impact it has on people who don’t have food or who don’t have places to eat or sleep. It is literally life changing.”
During the one hour, volunteers package a cup of soy, cup of rice, tablespoon of dried vegetables and tablespoon of chicken seasoning into each bag. Each bag feeds six adults or 12 children.
The food is formulated to meet nutritional needs of a person suffering from malnutrition or starvation.
Registration fee to participate in the event is $10 per individual or $25 per family, which goes to the cost of the food.
If interested in participating or donating, contact Lisa Donley at ldonley@clarkston.k12. Registration forms are located at the high school main office.
The event is in the high school’s cafeteria and begins at 10 a.m., with registration at 9:30 a.m.
“It feels really good to know the community can come together to help,” Gordinier said. “It brings the community together and makes everyone feel good about themselves.”