Dear Editor,
In a word: Terrific.
In a few more words: a resounding success because we’ve got quite a team. Without the contributions of every one of them, this kind of result simply doesn’t happen.
With a head count of 74 in attendance – as in, 74 – this was one of our largest turnouts ever for the Clarkston Area Backyard Birders Club on Jan. 31.
To be sure, in Taylor Meyerhoff, we had an engaging, informative guest presenter.
If I started naming names of all who contributed, undoubtedly I would miss some of the members who lent a hand.
Our first team of regulars listed as recipients of this email all did what they do every meeting. Their efforts were augmented tonight by several members who chipped in by displaying the prizes for Wally’s Raffle, helping wrap, pack and load the remaining prizes, stash chairs and restore order to the room.
The great coverage by David Fleet and the staff of The Citizen and Matt Mackinder and the Clarkston News, brought in several new members and re-ignited our regulars.
The Wint Nature Center staff as always were gracious hosts and helpful in ensuring that our members got access and into the meeting room in time for our 6:30 call to order by President Bob McGowan.
Many members commented afterwards how impressed they were with Taylor’s presentation, how much they enjoyed the entire meeting.
All in all, quite a start for the eighth year of your Birders Club. And we have some exciting featured speakers and programs coming up.
As for tonight, though, thanks for making it happen.
Bill Haney
Clarkston Area Backyard Birders Club