There’s good news about the economy.
Inflation has been coming down for the past six months and unemployment is very low. President Biden’s economic plan is working and improving lives for Americans. President Biden’s economic policies and the Inflation Reduction Act are reducing the deficit.
President Trump increased the national debt by 41 percent, and our local Representative Lisa McClain voted to increase the debt ceiling to cover that deficit.
Yet the MAGA-controlled House of Representatives and Representative McClain are refusing to raise the debt ceiling without draconian spending cuts.
The time to balance budgets and discuss whether we can afford a program is when Congress is debating that legislation. Refusing to raise the debt ceiling to pay for programs, which Congress has already approved, is like refusing to pay your credit card bill for purchases you have already made.
Shutting down the federal government is fiscally irresponsible. This MAGA brinkmanship risks the U.S. economy and our country’s credit rating.
Representative McClain, do your job and raise the debt ceiling to pay the bills which Congress has already approved and incurred. We want fiscally responsible government, not government shutdowns.
Emily Cord Duthinh