Lords and ladies

Some students at Scripps Middle School recently took a trip back in time.
The theatre and choir departments of Scripps joined forces on Dec. 11 to put on the first annual Madrigal Dinner, an evening full of the pageantry and ceremonial pomp of merrie Olde England.
The 15th-17th century provided the time period for the feast, and the students’ families were the guests. They were served a meal of cider, salad and old-fashioned bread bowls with beef stew.
Entertainment, including Renaissance strings and the procession of the king and queen, were provided by the students, who also served as “minstrels” and “serving wenches,” in period costume. The seventh and eighth graders who participated used the dinner to learn what life was like during the 15th and 17th centuries, and to learn how holidays were celebrated.
Teacher Cheryl Bongiorno first heard of the idea at a conference and thought Scripps should try it. Oakview Middle School was also planning a feast of their own.
“Other middle schools have been doing it, and it’s a good way for the students to learn about the Middle Ages,” she said.