NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a regular meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board of Trustees held on May 15, 2018, the Township Board approved a Second Reading of the Pine Vista Planned Unit Development (PUD) rezoning request and adopted an Ordinance to amend the Charter Township of Independence Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of rezoning certain property situated in Section 23 of the Township to R-1B/Planned Unit Development (PUD) pursuant to Chapter 50, “Zoning Ordinance,” Article 9, “Planned Districts, Overlay Districts, and Other Special Development Regulations,” Section 9.02, “Planned Unit Development,” and to provide regulations for the development and use of such property.
The motion to approve this rezoning was moved by Clerk Pallotta, Seconded by Trustee Ritchie. The vote on the motion was as follows: Yes: 7; Absent: None; No: 0. The motion carried.
Barbara A. Pallotta, Township Clerk
INTRODUCED: January 23, 2018
PUBLISHED: February 14 2018
PUBLISHED: June 6, 2018