Clarkston thespians take on Thespian Festival

Forty-eight members of Clarkston High School Drama Club Troupe 803 members attended the Michigan Thespian Festival in Lansing, Dec 13 and 14. They participated in workshops at the festival, networked with universities and theatre professionals, watched productions and met other theatre students from all over Michigan. Graduating seniors Luke Agar, Hannah Budzynski, Logan Dudek, Keith […]

Clarkston thespians ‘superior’ at festival

Clarkston thespians ‘superior’ at festival

Clarkston High School’s Troupe 803 participated in the Michigan Thespian Festival, Dec. 9-10, in Lansing. From CHS Troupe 803, 29 troupe members and six adults attended festival which had 1,400 theatre students from high schools all over the state of Michigan. Students spent the weekend attending workshops, auditioning for scholarships, networking with industry professionals and […]

Thespians conquer the stage for scholarships

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Staff Writer Twenty-seven students from Clarkston High School’s Drama Club joined 1,500 students at the Michigan Thespian Festival this past December. They participated in workshops, classes, theatre events, and auditions for college scholarships. “I really enjoyed the family like atmosphere about it,” said senior Maureen Stewart. “The support the […]