Vascassenno takes his last ticket

After 41 years of taking tickets at Oxford High School sporting events, on Feb. 13 Andy Vascassenno instead cut some cake.
A ticket taker since 1968, Vascassenno decided to call it a career.
‘I’ll miss working with all the people,? he said. ‘A lot of love comes out of them. It reflects back on you and I can’t help be happy after all those years. It’s been a great part of my life. I sure appreciate what the’ve done for me.?
Vascassenno retired two weeks ago and to mark the occasion, Oxford officials presented him with a cake before Oxford’s basketball game against Brandon High School.
The 87-year-old World War II Army veteran, who was one of many who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, also served nearly 22 years as head custodian at the Oxford Junior High School and retired from that in 1985.
Over the years he’s served as a ticket taker for basketball, volleyball, pole vaulting and other sporting events except for football.
He usually went with the football team to games and even served as their manager.
In 35 years, he’s been to more than 200 games.
‘It was a big thrill when we won the state championship back in 1991,? he said.
While Vascassenno still plans to watch games, visit the sidelines and go on road games with the Wildcat football team, he does have one important retirement plan.
‘Right now I’m looking at a beautiful woman sitting next to me here,? he said, referring to his wife of 44 years, Judy.
‘That’s what I’ll do from now on, look at that beautiful woman.?