Wendi’s Word: Zooming in 2020

Social distancing has definitely presented new opportunities to be with friends and family without being with friends and family.
I have joined the masses and I am now on Zoom. My friend planned her baby shower to be on seen on Zoom. So there I was one Saturday afternoon, watching friends a few towns away open up presents for their summer arrival.
Also, staring at four tiny screens thinking even though the background in my office was clean, there was sure a lot going on compared to everyone else’s background.
It was easy as the second time using Zoom. The first time, I ripped the strip washi tape above my laptop screen as I tested it out with an appointment. It didn’t go well as I couldn’t hear anything the other person was saying.
Then, a few weeks ago came my cousin’s wedding. Back in April, I asked what she would be doing for her mid-July wedding. She said it looked like it was going to be in 2021.
A few weeks ago, they changed the plans and went to a chapel in Las Vegas. Less than 15 people were in the room but countless others all over the place were watching the live feed from the chapel.
While I wish I was there, it was easier with two kids not to be there. Four-year-old Jonathan and 19-month-old Oliver were all over the place – climbing on the couch, climbing on me, jumping in front of the television, jumping in front of the computer (as the laptop was linked to the television.) It was definitely easier as the ceremony had a late start. I could only imagine what it would have been like with two toddlers, in the California desert in mid-July waiting for a ceremony to begin. Probably lots of Goldfish crackers and stickers to keep them occupied.
My third Zoom was recent, at the end of July, when I joined a meeting held by one of the scrapbook groups I am in. There is a Zoom meeting every Friday, I decided to just hit the link after the boys went to bed. I finished ten layouts of my elementary school pages.
It was like being at a 12-hour crop, but not quite. I did miss my usual fall and spring crops group. Geez, I miss some gatherings and in-person events. But the snacking was zilch, nothing like munching on Zoom.

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