They say time flies when you’re having fun, and that’s just what has been happening for the past year.
One year ago, I took over as the editor at The Clarkston News after Phil Custodio relocated to Alabama to be closer to family.
Admittedly, and my wife can attest to this, I was scared to death at first. It was a new role for me, but one that scared and thrilled me at the same time. There were some sleepless nights last summer, that’s for sure.
Now, just about 12 months later, there are no more sleepless nights, and this job is one I cherish and try to give 150 percent each and every week. It’s also easy to succeed with a strong cast of supporters in the office and at home.
I have learned a lot about Clarkston, and I feel like I’m still just getting started. The constant theme I see about the town is that it’s great for families, great for business, and great to simply be here.
You can’t go wrong in Clarkston.
This past year has actually given my professional life some consistent structure and variety. Every week is different – the stories, the contacts, the content – but the deadlines and layout remain the same. I dig that so much.
With a 20-plus year career in sports, covering pretty much everything but that has been a pleasant change. Even writing some opinionated columns has elicited feedback from folks in town.
I’ve taken some lumps and continue to move on, and while I may have the editor title, like I said before, it’s being part of a fantastic team that makes this all worth it.
Onward and upward!
— Matt Mackinder