Letter to the Editor: Reader unhappy with Democrats

Dear Editor,

This is a response to the letter authored by Kenneth Moore in the August 4 issue, “Not happy with our Republicans.”
He alludes that the long-term Republican control of the legislature is due to gerrymandering by the Republican party. A simple Google search shows that gerrymandering was an issue as far back as 1812. An easy conclusion is that in 208 years, both parties have participated in this activity.
It is important to look at history before reaching a conclusion.
Many of Michigan’s problems are a direct result of the Governor’s edicts concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. The lockdowns were universal for the entire state without concern for population density and infection rates. All non-essential businesses were closed even if it was a single owner with three or four customers per day. These lockdowns have resulted in the permanent closing of many businesses and the loss of jobs.
So, yes, I do blame the Whitmer administration for these and several other results due to her edicts.
Mr. Moore then jumps on the voter suppression issue. It was Governor Whitmer who unilaterally changed voting laws (placement of vote collection boxes on sidewalks that were not monitored, sent absentee ballot application to millions of people without a purge of the list for people that died or moved out of state in contravention to election laws, changed some of the rules pertaining to receipt and counting of absentee ballots, etc.).
All of the Governor’s election law changes required Legislative approval, which was not requested. It is not suppression to require voter ID and clarify absentee ballot rules, vote counting, etc.
The GOP actions are an attempt to firm up election laws so they cannot be changed unilaterally within a short time before an election.
I keep hearing the term “voter suppression” that is used to create an adverse reaction but have not heard a clear example of the suppression.
To paraphrase Mr. Moore: “In my opinion, the Democrat party has failed miserably and is incapable of governing. I would like to vote for both parties, but I cannot trust the Democrats in my state.”
P.S. Reference the article by Representative Schroeder about help for small businesses in the same issue of The Clarkston News, “State rep disappointed with small business aid vetoes.”

Tom Breneiser

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