Ava Grace is decked out in her Minnie Mouse ears and matching dress in search of candy during last Sunday’s Fall Festival event, which was held at the Clarkston United Methodist Church. See more photos on Page 5 of this week’s print edition of The Clarkston News. Photo by Wendi Reardon Price
This year’s induction ceremony to the Christ the King Chapter of the National Honor Society was held on October 15 as 20 Everest students met the eligibility requirements. The newly-inducted students joined the current members of NHS for a group photo as part of the experience. Photo provided by Mary Williams
Dear Editor, Sending my appreciation to Matt Mackinder for his balanced reporting on the dispute between Mr. Moore and the Historic District Commission (“Resident calling foul on city’s Historic District Commission,” Clarkston News, October 20, 2021). It was informational and allowed the reader to think for oneself. Sincerely, Cheryl McNeil Independence Township
Dear Editor, For over 30 years, I have looked forward to receiving the Clarkston News each week. And yes, I look forward to reading Don Rush’s opinion section each week. No, I don’t always agree with Don, but I still enjoy reading his thoughts. Seems to me, the News is doing just about everything a community […]
Dear Editor, Last week, in a letter to the editor, a resident of the City of the Village of Clarkston wrote that I am unqualified to run for office because I am living away from my principal residence during an extensive renovation (“Council candidate not qualified to run,” Clarkston News, October 20, 2021). The purpose of this letter is to clear the […]
It is finally here. No, not the countdown to Christmas, though that is certainly on the radar. It’s the end of summer yard work! With the cold weather essentially here, and coming on strong, it’s time to put away the hedge clippers and mulch and curl up in a blanket and enjoy some good old-fashioned […]
Dear Editor, I spent the afternoon of October 19 canvassing Holcomb Road talking to neighbors and longtime community members reminiscing. Clarkston was a community that helped and embraced one another. My parents still live in the house I grew up in a couple blocks outside the Historic District. I remember doing small jobs around Rudy’s […]
Dear Editor, After attending the Independence Township Board of Trustees meeting on October 5, we are very disappointed. The voters elected the trustees to serve the best interests of the township but it’s clear that some members of the board are more interested in their own political futures than in what’s best for the Township. […]
Over on Paula Avenue, a 1,270-pound pumpkin is in the process of being carved by Frank Morse, pictured with children Everly Morse and Beckham Morse and his wife Stephanie Morse at a recent competition. Photo provided
As of October 27, here are the reported number of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and new cases in the past 30 days for the Clarkston ZIP codes: October 27: 48346: 2,833 cases (184 new), 48 deaths 48348: 3,045 cases (236 new), 24 deaths 48350: 887 cases (84 new), 10 deaths As compared to October 20: 48346: […]