Clarkston City Council, 5-22-17

CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 05-22 2017 MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Kneisc, Marsh, Wylie, Haven, Catallo, Mayor Percival Present . Detkowski Absent. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Catallo, Supported by Haven, to approve the agenda. With one change to move item […]

Clarkston City Council, 6-12-17

CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 06-12 2017 MINUTES Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Wylie, Kneisc, Haven, Detkowski, Catallo, Mayor Percival Present . Marsh, Absent. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Detkowski, Supported by Wylie, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda: Motion by […]

Ind. Twp. Board, 7-11-17

SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE JULY 11, 2017 A. A Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board wascalled to order at 7:01PM at Independence Township Hall. B. The Pledge of Allegiance was given C. ROLL CALL: Present: Pallotta, Brown, Aliaga, Loughrin, Ritchie Absent: Kittle, Schroeder There was […]

Ind. Twp. Board, 6-28-17

SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE June 28, 2017 A. A Regular Budget Meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board was called to order at 7:00 PM at Independence Township Hall. B. The Pledge of Allegiance was given: Drew Kuczera, Boy Scout Troop 199 C. ROLL CALL: Present: Kittle, […]

Ind. Twp. Board, 6-20-17

SYNOPSIS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE June 20, 2017 A. A Regular Meeting of the Charter Township of Independence Board was called to order at 7:00 PM at Independence Township Hall. B. The Pledge of Allegiance was given C. ROLL CALL: Present: Kittle, Brown, Aliaga, Loughrin, Ritchie, Schroeder Absent: Pallotta […]

School bond projects

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS 2016 Bond Projects – District Wide Camera Replacement The Clarkston Community Schools’ Board of Education will receive firm prime contractor bids to provide cabling and a complete camera replacement system at all district buildings within Clarkston Community Schools. The bidding documents consist of plans and specifications prepared by GMB Architecture and Engineering […]

Waterford Montessori budget

Waterford Montessori Academy will hold a public hearing on June 14, 2017, at 4860 Midland, Waterford, at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the 2017-18 general operating budget. A copy of the budget will be available for public inspection at this location. Individuals requiring special accommodations to attend this meeting should contact Jeremy Gilliam […]

School budget

CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2017-2018 BUDGET PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on Monday, June 19, 2017 at 6:30 pm, at Clarkston Community Schools, 6389 Clarkston Road, Clarkston, Michigan, the Board of Education of Clarkston Community Schools will hold a public hearing to consider the District’s proposed 2017-2018 budget. The Board […]

City budget public hearing, 6-12-17

PUBLIC NOTICE CLARKSTON CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF CLARKSTON Artemus M. Pappas Village Hall 375 Depot Rd Clarkston MI 48346 Monday, June 12, 2017 AT 7:00 P.M. The City of the Village of Clarkston will have a Public hearing for the 2017-2018 City Budget during our regular City Council Meeting at 7 PM on Monday […]

City Council, 4-24-17

City of the Village of Clarkston City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 04 24 2017 Minutes Call to Order at 7:00 PM. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: Mayor Percival, Wylie, Marsh, Kneisc, Haven, Detkowski, Catallo. All Present Approval of Agenda: Motion by Marsh, Supported by Detkowski, to approve the agenda. With one addition after Dog License […]

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