City Council 9-10-18

City of the Village of Clarkston

City Council

Regular Meeting Minutes

09 10 2018 Minutes

  1. Call to Order at 7:00 PM.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance.
  3. Roll Call: Mayor Percival, Catallo, Kneisc, Luginski, Wylie, Present. Reynolds, Detkowski, Absent.
  4. Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Kneisc, to approve the agenda, with an addition to add Shiver Tree Service to the end. All Yes, Motion Carried.
  5. FYI: Art in the Village September 15 from 10 to 5 and September 16 from 10 to 4.
  6. Public Comments: David Marsh, Denyse Couture, Curt Catallo, Chet Pardee.
  7. Sheriff report for August given by Lieutenant Perry.
  8. Consent Agenda: Motion by Luginski, Seconded by Wylie, to approve the Minutes 07 09 2018 and 08 13 2018 (2 changes) and 08 27 18 Minutes. Treasurer Report ending 08 31 18. All Yes, Motion Carried.
  9. City Manager Report as read.
  10. Colleen Hill-Stramsak and Gary Tressel of HRC Presented the Roadway Asset Management Plan. The PASER (pavement surface evaluation and rating). Ratings and maps were explained. The City has 5.7 miles of roadway, 10.1% is rated good, 66.1% is rated fair, and 23.8% is rated poor. A five (5) year Capital Improvement Plan is needed. The estimated cost to improve roads within the City may be as high as $850,000, per lane mile. The finance committee needs to provide to HRC an estimate of how much the city can allocate to road work for the next 5 years. The majority of this study was paid for by a SEMCOG grant. Motion by Percival, Supported by Catallo to accept this Draft Report. All Yes, Motion Carried.
  11. Update of Depot Park under bridge stone work, to solve an erosion problem. A silt fence has been installed and permit has been applied for with WRC.
  12. Resolved by Percival, Seconded by Kneisc, to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $14,092.41, for a street light hit by a truck, all except for $250.00 deducible was covered by insurance. Roll Call: Percival, Wylie, Luginski, Kneisc, Catallo. All Yes. Reynolds and Detkowski Absent, Resolution is Adopted.
  13. Update of clock repair. We are currently getting a prices on mechanical repair from Missouri along with cost to go electric with a company out of Northville MI.
  14. Resolved by Wylie, Seconded by Luginski, for an approval to pay Shiver Tree Service $1,500.00 to remove one tree on N Holcomb and one on Glenburnie. Roll Call: Wylie, Luginski, Kneisc, Catallo. All Yes. Reynolds and Detkowski Absent. Percival Abstain. Resolution is Adopted.
  15. Motion by Kneisc, Seconded by Catallo, to ask Tom Ryan for a Code of Ordinance, and or Zoning Ordinance interpretation, regarding 2 Council Members being members on the Planning Commission to be presented at the next meeting. All 4 Members Yes, Luginski, NO. Motion Carried.
  16. Motion by Wylie, Seconded by Percival to adjourn at 9:17 PM. All Aye, Motion Carried.

Respectfully Submitted, Sandy Miller, City Clerk


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