Holy Land experience for group of Everest seniors

Holy Land experience for group of Everest seniors

The first part of the Everest Collegiate senior class trip to the Holy Land in late March and early April took the group throughout Galilee in northern Israel.
The senior class pilgrimage to the Holy Land has been suspended since the spring of 2020, but the Class of 2023 is thrilled to have the opportunity for this once-in-a-lifetime experience that becomes a crowning experience to their years of formation at Everest.
The group’s first day brought them to the Cesarea Aqueduct at the Mediterranean Sea followed by lunch at the Monastery at Mt. Carmel and a visit to the church where Elijah’s cave is located.
For this first part of the trip, the group stayed at a hotel in Magdala while travelling to local destinations, including Cana, where the students prayers in a special way for their families and their future spouses.
Palm Sunday brought the class to the Mount of the Beatitudes and Capernaum, by the Sea of Galilee.
A highlight of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land is the boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. The Gospels come to life as students placed themselves in the exact spot where Jesus taught, prayed, and walked on water.
Galilee is full of riches, and the group’s final day there was packed with graces, visiting the Mount Tabor where the Transfiguration took place, Nazareth, where the Word become Flesh in Mary’s womb, and St. Joseph’s house.
— Mary Roselli

PHOTO: Taking a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee was a highlight of the journey. Photos: Provided by Mary Roselli

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