Letter to the Editor: Getting the medal

Dear Mr. Rush,
On behalf of my father, I would like to thank you for the article that you wrote about the Ambassador For Peace Medal (Attention Korean War veterans! Have you gotten your medal? Clarkston News, Jan. 11, 2023).
My father was a corporal in the Army, (1951-1953), during the Korean conflict. He received the Purple Heart for injuries obtained in combat. He didn’t talk a lot about the “war,” but I know he was proud to serve for his country.
Your article allowed me to make contact with the Korean consulate and apply for the Ambassador of Peace medal for Dad. They were very helpful in supplying me the proper paperwork required and handling the application. I just received the medals yesterday and was overwhelmed upon opening the package.
Though Dad has been gone now for seven years, I know that he would be proud to have worn them. I will display them with the flag from his burial, Purple Heart and other medals that he received for his service and sacrifice for our country.
Again, thank you for helping our family have another way of honoring Dad.
Best regards,
Dan Yestrepsky

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