Letter to the Editor: Say no to Meijer

I would like for someone to inform the community in the area of Sashabaw and Waldon roads of another misleading project that Pulte Homes is developing in “The Towns at Waldon Village.”
The small Meijer “grocery only” being added into the village development is far from small. My wife and I visited one of those “small” Meijer grocery stores last week at the intersection of Clarkston/Orion Road and Lapeer Road (M-24) and it is HUGE. It will probably put Nieman’s and Tenuta’s out of business in very short time.
I don’t understand why our Township Planning Department is so set in destroying our small bedroom community with a store of this size that will draw shoppers from miles away and just add massive amounts of traffic to Waldon and Sashabaw roads which are already a massive traffic jam during certain hours of the morning and afternoon.
I know that we just recently had an election, but next election can’t come too soon so that we can replace all members of this money grabbing, uncaring members who I would guess don’t even live in this area.
Please help us retirees who have lived in this area for 50 years and have tolerated many changes over those years.
How about putting some of this development onto Dixie Highway where there is lots of vacant land available?
Rick Sipe

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