Letter to the Editor: Thanks for clean up

Dear Editor,
I want to give a shout out to Clarkston’s DPW and the Oakland County Road Commission for the assistance they provided following the ice storm last week.
On Feb. 27, I received a call from our dog sitter, staying at our house, that a large part of one of the front trees had broken off due to the weight of the ice and that it had fallen into Main Street. The limbs that had fallen were quickly moved to our front yard.
Upon our return home late that night, we noted that the limbs involved took up most of our yard and part of our driveway. We went to bed that night thinking that we were going to need to find someone in the morning to remove all the debris.
Much to our surprise and pleasure, Clarkston’s DPW was out in front of our house early the next morning cleaning up the debris, cutting logs, and condensing what was left from the tree parts that had landed in our yard. They were followed by the Oakland County Road Commission, who put the large logs that remained through their chipper and trimmed other branches that appeared weakened due to the ice.
The entire area was completely cleaned up and made safe by 1 p.m.
Thank you to all of the workers who braved the cold temperatures and icy conditions to clean up what Mother Nature had left behind.
It is so nice to know that we live in a town that takes care of their residents when they need it most.
Laura Rodgers


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