Letter to the Editor: Why we need to support Ukraine

Dear Editor,

With the most recent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian dictator Putin, unfortunately, history is repeating itself.
As a Ukrainian-American, I am appalled at how Putin is acting like another infamous dictator, Adolf Hitler.
Before Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, he bullied and threatened his way into the occupation of the Rhineland (1936), Austria (1938) and Czechoslovakia (1938).
In 2014, Putin used Hitler-like tactics to invade Crimea and large portions of eastern Ukraine. A total of 14,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since 2014.
Given the massive destruction thus far of Ukrainian cities and the death of over 2,000 Ukrainian civilians, the Russian army is anything but a “peacekeeping force.”
Nobody should want to return to the days of the Cold War where defense spending had priority over funding for education, health programs and so many other social services we take for granted.
Please help support a free and independent Ukraine at this critical time.
In 1941, during the early dark days of World War II, Winston Churchill said while seeking aid from America: “Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”
Give Ukrainians the means to defend themselves and their country. Do not let Putin turn Ukraine into Hitler’s Poland.

Henry S. Woloson
(originally Wolosonovich)
Independence Township

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