Reader doesn’t see benefit of regional transit

Dear Editor,
I would like to thank you for publishing information from our representative, Andrea Schroeder, regarding her office hours and the 2019 Legislation Review. I would also like to thank Pat Kittle for his informative article on the Regional Transit Authority (RTA). That motivated me to attend Rep. Schroeder’s office hours on Jan. 13, and boy, did I get even more information!
As I understand it, HB 5229 would enable an increase above 10 mills (current upper limit allowed under the Hedley Act) to cover the costs of the improved RTA. These improvements would occur in Washtenaw, Wayne, and Oakland County south of M-59.
North Oakland County would not see any benefit at all. In fact, if you go to the RTA website and click on Improving Regional Transit Services, you will find a map outlining the services they provide. Our area is titled “Home Town Services.”
I fully understand there’s a cost to enjoy living in this wonderful area, but most of the costs provide direct or indirect benefit to our community. I do not see how any benefit would accrue to North Oakland County as a result of the bill or the improved RTA, and certainly not in the increase of millage above the Hedley Act.
Janet Downey
Independence Township

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