Clarkston Village Players has open auditions for its March 2018 production of “Swan Song, A Study in Terror” at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 14, and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16, at The Depot Theatre, 4861 White Lake Road.
Characters include a recently bereaved heiress, age 25-30, somewhat otherworldly; her fiancé, 30-ish, charming, assertive; an East Indian mystic, age 35-40, strange; an attorney and family friend, age 35-40, all business; the heiress’ personal secretary, age 20-40, devoted; aunt, age 45-50, somewhat of a lush; and housekeeper, age 45-60.
The play is a harrowing tale of mystery, murder, madness and revenge. Performance dates are March 16-18, 23-25,and 29-31.
Contact Director Verne Vackaro 248-662-4813, or Producer Karen McClellan, 248-462-3074,