Words from the Sup’t: Hopeful in the second semester


Dear Clarkston Community Schools Families,

As we settle into the second semester, I believe that things are moving in the right direction.
In my meeting last week with regional epidemiologists, we received some positive news. They believe that it is likely that we have hit the peak of this wave of COVID-19 in Oakland County, and they are starting to see a downward trend.
While there are no guarantees, hearing that news gives me hope, and I want to share that with you.  A few weeks ago, our case count in the district was over 180; as of Jan. 28, we have only 72 active cases.
I am cautiously optimistic for what’s ahead, but we are not out of the woods yet. I will continue to closely monitor the situation and keep you informed of any new developments.
In the meantime, I know these past few weeks have been quite challenging. Parents, please know that we are doing all we can to maintain continuity of learning for your children. While other districts have had to return to distance learning, Clarkston has remained open safely. This achievement is 100 percent due to the supreme efforts of all of our staff members.
At this point, I can say that we are still holding strong, and I believe we can push through as we get closer to the finish line.
We are also progressing in our efforts regarding school safety. As I previously mentioned, we have a security consultant evaluating our facilities and protocols. He has been in the district recently, visiting each of our buildings, and he will conclude his work next week. He will be presenting his findings and recommendations to the Board of Education. On February 14, we will have a comprehensive update from him and district leadership regarding facilities, procedures, and student and staff wellbeing.
Also, a quick reminder that students no longer have school on February 23. All of our staff will be participating in a full day of professional development focused on safety and well-being.
This year has been a roller coaster, filled with ups and downs, but we are at the halfway mark and gaining momentum.
Please send any questions or concerns to feedback@clarkston.k12.mi.us.
As always, thank you for your continued support and trust.

Dr. Shawn Ryan
Clarkston Community Schools

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