Letter to the Editor: Taking charge of kids’ masks

Dear Editor, Parents of masked children need to ensure if this masking is executed that their children’s health is taken care of properly. Go ahead and play the game, but parents need to make the rules. Do not send your children to school with a mask. Make the school provide them. Demand a clean mask […]

Opinion: Residents deserve better from UIA

Rep. Andrea Schroeder last week said the state’s unemployment agency must make dramatic improvements – and be subject to more oversight – in the wake of continued service failures during the COVID-19 pandemic. “The people of Oakland County, and our entire state, deserve better service than they’ve been getting from Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance Agency,” said […]

Letter to the Editor: Supporting trustee for supervisor

Dear Editor, After reading about Patrick Kittle’s resignation as township supervisor in the July 14, 2021 edition of The Clarkston News, I immediately thought about Jose Aliaga as being an excellent choice to be appointed. I helped Jose Aliaga with his campaign last November when he ran for re-election as a township trustee. While several […]

Letter to the Editor: Can’t we find the right answers?

Dear Editor, I think that everyone can agree on the fundamental issues, though we may describe them differently. For instance, universal human rights. God-given rights endowed by our creator and thus cannot be infringed upon by any law made by man. Even if you aren’t religious, can you see the value in something like inalienable […]

Letter to the Editor: Reader unhappy with Democrats

Dear Editor, This is a response to the letter authored by Kenneth Moore in the August 4 issue, “Not happy with our Republicans.” He alludes that the long-term Republican control of the legislature is due to gerrymandering by the Republican party. A simple Google search shows that gerrymandering was an issue as far back as 1812. An easy […]

Letter to the Editor: Not happy with our Republicans

Dear Editor, Pure Michigan. The Republican Party has held the majority in our state legislature for the last 11 years and 19 of the last 23. Is this the result of good policy or gerrymandering? They continue to blame the governor and her administration for all of our problems. In my opinion, the Republican Party […]

Letter to the Editor: Garden Walk thanks, recognition

Dear Editor, Once again, the Clarkston Farm and Garden Club needs to shout out a very big THANK YOU to our amazing community! Last Wednesday, July 21, we held our 15th Annual Clarkston Garden Walk, and the attendance was record breaking! Nearly 700 people visited our city and toured the gardens that our six homeowners […]

Letter to the Editor: Take extra food to those in need

Dear Editor, I have a huge garden like many other people in the area. Gardens are producing more than people can eat. Lighthouse in Clarkston can definitely use the excess produce that people have from their gardens. I have brought my extra produce to them, and they are extremely happy. I thought if more people […]

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