Well, rats. I hate when I flip-flop like I am gonna’.

Well, rats. I hate when I flip-flop like I am gonna’.

Oh, since about what, Day One AE (After Election) I have yammered on about all the hubbub taking place in these here un-united states of America. Fake news, stupid un-presidential “tweets”, the unending squawking from anyone and everyone who may or may not have been hurt by said tweets and especially by those elitist Hollywood […]

Science, math — ok — thinking isn’t my strength

Science, math — ok — thinking isn’t my strength

I never gave much thought to the scientific study of how particular qualities or traits are transmitted from parents to offspring. Deep contemplation on this subject, like most in my realm of existence, doesn’t happen often. It’s okay. I know myself. I just kinda roll with the punches and see where I land. Since I […]

Cold comes knocking

It was so close, but so far away. I could see it. I could feel it in my hands. I just couldn’t get to it. I mentally called to it, to come to me. But alas, the tissue box stayed on the dresser as the near-to-sleep baby laid in my arms in the reclining chair. […]

Remember: you’re an embarrassment to your kids

Remember: you’re an embarrassment to your kids

Being a parent, specifically “Father,” is a great gig. Mom’s do all the heavy lifting, and you end up the hero. I don’t know how it is, but I love the way it works. Well, maybe I do know how it works. In four words, “Everybody loves the fool.” And, gentlemen in fatherhood, lend me […]

And then the voices above me said . . .

And then the voices above me said . . .

At the dawn of yet another year, the leaders of the universe that is Sherman Publications sat atop their ivory towers and looked down at me. From far above I heard their voices bellowing like rolling thunder. In unison, three voices spoke as one . . . “Donald,” they summoned, I looked up and a […]

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