Amelia Zyskowski, of Clarkston, has been named to the Knox College Dean’s List for the 2021 Winter term. To be named to the Dean’s List, a student must have earned at least 2.5 credits in the term, with a grade point average of 3.6 or better (on a 4.0 scale). Knox is located in Galesburg, […]
Alison Hess, admin, and Erin Van Wagoner, dean of discipline, enjoy showing off a snack box sent to Everest last week by Clarkston Community Schools as part of Teacher Appreciation Week. Photo provided
BY MATT MACKINDER Clarkston News Editor Clarkston Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Shawn Ryan has always seen the district stand out when it comes to giving students and staff the ultimate academic experience. Now, he wants to take it up a notch and put more of an emphasis on giving individual students tools they can use […]
BY MATT MACKINDER Clarkston News Editor Clarkston Community Schools Superintendent Dr. Shawn Ryan continues to stay positive and keep families aware of how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the district. In his April 23 email communication, Ryan discussed challenges CCS continues to face regarding positive cases of the virus and associated quarantining. “The contact […]
A slew of Young Fives students at Clarkston Elementary School did their part for Earth Day last Thursday, picking up trash and cleaning up the school’s campus grounds. Photo provided
The Clarkston Schools Instrumental Music Association is raising funds to help support the students in Clarkston’s Bands and Orchestra programs with a virtual run/walk 5K that can be done at your leisure any time between June 4 and June 13. Runners/walkers will not meet for this event, and individuals can participate in the location of […]
The Michigan Education Association announced the recipients of the 2021 MEA Scholarships, honoring exemplary public school students from across the state who will be attending a Michigan public university next fall. Among the 444 applications submitted for scholarship awards this year, the MEA Scholarship Fund Trustees chose 22 new award recipients who will each receive […]
Everest Collegiate high school students presented forensics pieces, and six finalists advanced to the final competition. Winners were awarded the $100 St. John Chrysostom Scholarship. Pictured, from left, are sophomore Diego Kittinger, junior Sawyer Arbogast, sophomore Amelia Shripka, freshman Kathleen Thibodeau, freshman Caroline Beggs and senior Theresa Waller. Photo provided
BY MATT MACKINDER Clarkston News Editor Gino Pacifico is yet another Clarkston Community Schools success story. A 2017 Clarkston High School graduate and currently a Dean’s List student at Northern Michigan University studying Biochemistry, Pacifico recently won the Technology Innovation Student Award for a project he proposed on developing novel ways to increase drug efficacy in […]
BY MATT MACKINDER Clarkston News Editor Temujin Kensu, formerly known as Fred Freeman, has spent the past 35 years in jail for a murder many say he didn’t commit. Recently, students at Clarkston High School joined the cause to help free the man they say has been wrongfully jailed since 1986. “I was approached by […]