The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club wishes to thank the community for attending the 2024 Clarkston Garden Walk. Your attendance at this event helps to support the work the Clarkston Garden Club does in the community throughout the year. The Garden Walks require gardens, and we were thrilled with the support from the following gardeners […]
Dear Editor,The Aug. 6 primary determines the township’s future. Each of us need to be an informed voter this election. Check out for youtube videos on candidates. We personally look for leadership and skill sets when casting our ballots. We hope you will consider Chuck Phyle for Supervisor and Sam Moraco for Trustee for […]
Dear Editor,My endorsement of Laura Moreau comes from personal experience involved with project work, committee attendance and numerous conversations about a variety of issues. Every interaction involved valuable knowledge, truthfulness and respect. My endorsement is not because everything went my way. Only because it went the right way. The right way for all the citizens […]
Dear Editor,To the voters of Independence and the village concerning the push for a single hauler system. My experience dealing with it says stay away from it and continue with what we have. I have dealt with Rochester/Rochester Hills trying to discontinue service at my mother’s home after her entry into memory care. For two […]
Dear Editor,My name is Sean Miller, and I am the Clerk in Springfield Township. I write in support of Cari Neubeck’s re-election as Clerk in Independence Township. Cari has served her community with integrity and distinction and deserves to be re-elected for another four years. Cari has dedicated hundreds of hours to continuing education and […]
Dear Editor,Jose Aliaga wanted to “listen to the community” though my experience turned out to be to opposite. I attempted to get a zoning concern addressed and reached out to Jose Aliaga multiple times via e-mail but did not get any response. Thinking Mr. Aliaga might be a busy man I decided to go to […]
I recently received a campaign flier from Ric Davis, candidate for Springfield Township Supervisor. Among other things, Mr. Davis’s flier claims he will “restore responsibility to our zoning and planning committees and not micromanage them.” As Chairperson of both the Township Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals I find Mr. Davis’s comment uninformed and […]
We recently moved back to Clarkston from Birmingham. We had a home here in the 90s, early 2000s, our daughters are both Clarkston grads. Our experience was so wonderful we moved back last year. The parades were part of that hometown vibe; floats, cheer team, cars, clowns, dogs, Curt on his mini bike, etc. It […]
Throughout decades living in Springfield Township — and involvement in both citizen groups and elective offices — I’ve had a front seat observing characteristics that define our most effective leaders.That’s why I support, for Springfield Township Trustee, re-electing Dave Hopper, Denny Vallad and Bill Whitley, and also electing Chris Moore.Good governing isn’t glitzy. It’s about […]
I am writing this letter as a small business owner to express my strong support for Terri Nallamothu as Township Trustee. I have had the pleasure of knowing Terri for nearly 8 years and have witnessed firsthand her dedication, integrity, and passion for serving our community.Terri Nallamothu has consistently demonstrated her commitment to improving our […]