Letter to the Editor: Thank you to our local paper

Dear Editor, Thank you, Clarkston News, for the very humbling article about our 60th wedding anniversary and living in Clarkston. (“Celebrating 60 with faith, family,” March 16, 2022) We have enjoyed our life in Clarkston so much, raising our four beautiful daughters here and still having them and their families all close by in the […]

Letter to the Editor: Looking for the sun in Clarkston

Dear Editor, I almost missed it this year but last week was Sunshine Week, where those who work for open and transparent government are celebrated, or at least considered. In the City of the Village of Clarkston, there continues to be a city website with old information, or no information at all. Charter provisions for […]

Letter to the Editor: Questions about movie in town

Dear Editor,  I see from the clarkstonsunshine.com summary of the February 28, 2022 city council meeting that the council is salivating at the opportunity to allow a movie producer to use Clarkston as a backdrop for a movie about someone who didn’t live or work in Clarkston and had only a distant relationship with one […]

Letter to the Editor: Questioning the schools’ security

Dear Editor, I appreciate the school safety update from Superintendent Shawn Ryan in the March 9, 2022 Clarkston News (“CCS continuing with safety a No. 1 priority for staff, students”). Although this addressed safety during school hours, the schools should also address safety for other activities. Last Saturday we attended the Michigan School Band and […]

Letter to the Editor: Let’s keep Line 5 Pipeline open

Dear Editor, With a lot going on in the world, I wanted to write of the importance of not letting politicians close the Line 5 Pipeline. Governor Whitmer ordered Enbridge to close the 68-year-old line, revoking a 1953 state easement.  At least our neighbors in Canada are helping when they invoked a 1977 treaty with […]

Letter to the Editor: Why we need to support Ukraine

Dear Editor, With the most recent invasion of Ukraine by the Russian dictator Putin, unfortunately, history is repeating itself. As a Ukrainian-American, I am appalled at how Putin is acting like another infamous dictator, Adolf Hitler. Before Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, he bullied and threatened his way into the occupation of the Rhineland (1936), […]

Viewpoint: Very excited to make new memories at Rudy’s

Viewpoint: Very excited to make new memories at Rudy’s

If the building we’ve known as Rudy’s Market could talk, what tales it would tell! It’s had varied uses and unique owners over the years. Built in 1915 using native stone, it first housed a Ford dealership and service center, owned by Lewis Voorheis. He sold the building and the dealership to Frank Leonard and […]

Letter to the Editor: Responding to the city manager

Dear Editor, I’m very glad to read that the city manager will take the time to respond to The Clarkston News, if not the public. (The Clarkston News, Feb. 16, 2022) It does show the power of a local newspaper. Let’s take a look at what he has said, keeping in mind that the Clarkston […]

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