Public Notice: Independence Twp. Public Accuracy Test of voting equipment, June 24, 2024

CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE ELECTION COMMISSION COUNTY OF OAKLAND, STATE OF MICHIGAN NOTICE OF PUBLIC ACCURACY TEST OF VOTING EQUIPMENT FOR THE STATE PRIMARY ELECTION Tuesday, August 6, 2024 To the qualified electors of the Charter Township of Independence, County of Oakland, State of Michigan: Notice is hereby given that a Public Accuracy Test for […]

Public Notice: Independence Twp. Board of Trustees regular meeting minutes, May 21, 2024

SYNOPSIS ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE TOWNSHIP BOARD THE CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF INDEPENDENCE MAY 21, 2024 – Regular/CLOSED SESSION Meeting CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. ROLL CALL APPROVED: Agenda as Amended APPROVED Consent Agenda as Amended The following motions were made and passed: APPROVE: May 14, 2024 Check Run Including ACH ($2,291,027.84) Ratify the April 26, […]