Plan in place for fall tournaments

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer Wolves and Mountaineers could finish their playoff season for the fall if allowed by the Michigan Departmen of Health and Human Services. Michigan High School Athletic Association’s Representative Council approved adjusted schedules to restart and finish fall tournaments when the three-week pause would end Wednesday, Dec. 9. […]

Head coach looking forward to being on slopes

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer Brian Popelier is looking forward to getting on the slopes as he moves from assistant coach to head coach for the Clarkston High School Ski. “I am excited to have a sport that is outdoors and have some normalcy we have been lacking since the COVID pandemic,” […]

Successful season for Mountaineers

The 5th- 8th grade girls soccer team from Clarkston Everest Academy finished the season 5-0-2 and won the league for the first time since 2006. “We are excited to get the year 2020 on the CYO banner in the gym,” said Coach Richard Cross. “They were a joy to coach and each one of them […]

New coach leading on the lanes

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer Latisha Preston is excited for the winter season as she takes the helm as head coach for the Clarkston Girls Bowling team. “I hope to bring more young ladies into the program and show them the ropes so they can have fun and potentially earn college scholarships,” […]

Wendi’s Word: Boys, dogs & a monkey

A short tale about a boy and his dog…err….dogs and a monkey. Soon to be two years old, Oliver carries around four stuffed animals, his buddies. It started with a puppy puppet, which was in his older brother’s pile of stuffed animals. Oliver also took over possession of Little Monkey Lost puppet, a baby monkey […]

A Look Back for November 18, 2020

From The Clarkston News archives 25 years ago – 1995 “School staffing levels keep on growing” Growing pains continued to force the Clarkston Community Schools Board of Education to spend money as they gave the administration a go-ahead to hire for new positions and approved to purchase a new hard drive for the computer system. […]

Wolves win close sets in regional final for crown

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer Senior Sydney Hasenfratz blocked the hit from Utica Eisenhower in the third set of the MHSAA Division 1 Volleyball Regional 2 Final last Thursday, tying the score 24-24. A block from Clarkston junior Elizabeth Adams and hit from sophomore Paige Giehtbrock ended the set and the night […]

Sports on pause following executive order

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer Athletics is on a pause after the Michigan High School Athletic Association announced on Sunday they were suspending fall tournaments for girls volleyball, girls swimming & diving and football as well as all winter sports practices and competitions scheduled for the next three weeks. It was per […]

Everest leads in second half for title

BY WENDI REARDON PRICE Clarkston News Sports Writer The Mountaineers defeated Royal Oak Shrine at home Saturday afternoon to claim their second MHSAA Football District championship, 23-13. “Winning the district championship was a great accomplishment for our team,” said Michael Pruchnicki, head coach for Clarkston Everest Collegiate Varsity Football. “We have a great group of […]

Victorious fall for cagers

Sashabaw Middle School’s Seventh Grade Girls Basketball team wrapped up their season with 10 wins and one loss. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the school only had one seventh grade team this year. Aaron Goodnough, head coach, enforced staying positive and always doing their best regardless of their circumstances as the girls had to practice and […]