Letter to the Editor: Part-time legislature?

Dear Editor, Does Michigan need a full-time state legislature? Michigan is one of only 10 states that has a full-time state legislature. Six of those 10 “full-timer” states (including Michigan) lost at least one Congressional representative to states with part-time legislatures. It is not just warmer weather attracting people based on the 2020 Census since […]

Letter to the Editor: How many haulers?

Dear Editor, Independence Township has formed a committee, of which I am a member, to study the question of whether the township should go with a single garbage hauler or stay with the current system of six independent haulers. The ostensible purpose of the single hauler idea is to save roads. There are about 13 […]

Letter to the Editor: Big thumbs up for marriage equality

Dear Editor, The 2015 ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which affirmed same-sex marriage as a constitutional right, was a crucial victory for equality, individual liberty, and religious freedom. Sadly, rumblings from our country’s reactionary fringes indicate a desire to take marriage rights away from same-sex couples, and it is entirely possible that our newly unbalanced […]

Guest Viewpoint: Supporting DEI

Dear Editor, It certainly was uplifting to read former Clarkston Community Schools graduate Justin Osborn’s comments in support of greater DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) in Clarkston Schools (Clarkston News, May 25, 2022). Osborn points out that his own educational experience in Clarkston Schools failed to prepare him to deal with the new, diverse cultural experiences […]

Letter to the Editor: Vote for Petterson

Dear Editor, Voting in an election in a democracy such as the United States of America is a duty and privilege for all eligible citizens! The electoral process for local government is the foundation for having a safe, prosperous, and secure community here in Independence Township. In 2022, Clarkston residents have an opportunity to elect […]

Letter to the Editor: We need solar energy

Dear Editor, The closing of one of Michigan’s most prominent nuclear energy plants should be a call for awareness of the use of solar energy in personal and commercial settings. In Michigan, we have a one percent cap that limits the number of people and small businesses that can install a rooftop solar system and […]

Letter to the Editor: Best of luck, grads

Dear Editor, The Clarkston News of June 1, 2022 was thoroughly enjoyed, especially the many articles recognizing the graduating class of 2022. The included photographs of the students indicate positive vibrancy. I do sincerely wish positive response from all the graduating students. Today, we need good leaders and leadership. For some, the road of life […]

Letter to the Editor: Responding to DEI

Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the May 25, 2022 letter to the editor entitled, “DEI needed at CCS.” We can all agree that DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) on the surface sounds admirable. Unfortunately, the author of the May 25 letter failed to perform proper due diligence on the Oakland County Schools […]

Letter to the Editor: Let’s agree, unite

Dear Editor, Once upon a time, we recognized everyone is different. Brothers and sisters raised in the same household can be tremendously different from one another, but share common ties that bind them; Family, community, morals, ethics, shared experiences. Everyone recognizes this in some capacity. Look at your friends; They are likely from a similar […]

Guest Viewpoint: Thankful for local landscapers

Landscaping is a tough business, especially in the last three years. Depot Park has had the benefit of local companies maintaining and beautifying our raised flowerbeds along Depot Road at no cost to the taxpayers. Some landscapers that served Depot Park in years past have, sadly, gone out of business. The remaining quality companies have staying-power and durable reputations. […]

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