Historic District proposal lacks community feedback

In 2018-2019, I was part of a committee selected to review the city charter, following a collaborative process to review and recommend appropriate revisions to our charter. In addition to committee meetings, we held multiple public hearings for community suggestions and feedback related to our charter. The council subsequently adopted four recommended amendments to the […]

Former Clarkston mayors urge voters to vote “no” on HDC proposal

The charter amendment affecting the historic district on November’s ballot is not in Clarkston’s best interest. It intentionally overrides the protections provided by the existing ordinance, including road widening and fair appeals, and places unreasonable obstacles to serving on the volunteer HDC. Our existing charter should not be tampered with or changed at the whim […]

City has other options to pay for sewer repairs

The summary of the city council’s discussion of paying for more than $121,000 in sewer repairs (“Clarkston City Council discusses several items at Aug. 26 meeting,” September 4, 2024, pp 1, 18) leaves out information for the no-bid contract without specifications that the council approved. The council rejected two sources of payment that would make […]

Resident shares thoughts on city council election

After reading the article in the most recent Clarkston News (Six of seven city council candidates disqualified from General Election ballot, Aug. 28, 2024 issue of The Clarkston News) about six of seven city council candidates, as well as, the mayoral candidate being disqualified from the upcoming General Election, it seems to me that anyone […]

Thank you from the July 4th Parade Committee

The July 4th Parade Committee would like to thank all of you in our community that made this year’s parade a success. Thank you to all who showed up to watch the parade and all the individuals, businesses and community groups that were a part of the parade with their floats, flags and candy. Our […]

Township should reimburse residents excess road improvement funds

Why did the Independence township board just vote to repay the City of the Village of Clarkston $96,220 to resolve the issue of overpayment on a 2010 contract for police and fire services while knowing that the township refused to repay the $2 million dollar overpayment that Independence Township taxpayers made? (“Township approves repayment to […]

Too many road closures make it hard to travel

To build roundabouts the Road Commission of Oakland County closed both the Clintonville/Waldon intersection and the Clarkston Road/Baldwin Road intersections at the same time. One has to wonder where the planning is? These closings make it difficult to head east from our area. Barry Snyder Clarkston

A single waste hauler would hurt small businesses

We support small businesses. Generally, they treat their employees and their customers better. The owners and the workers are our neighbors. At election time, candidates running for office always espouse their support for small businesses. So, it remains a mystery why our city council members and other officials continue to try to force the issue […]

Hope elected officials maintain small town feel

My wife and I moved to Independence Township from Rochester Hills 25 years ago due to the small town ambiance of the Village of Clarkston. Every election cycle, politicians campaigned on the desire to maintain the small town aura. In the ensuing years projects were approved for more housing and businesses. These changes can partially […]

To our community,

The Clarkston Farm and Garden Club wishes to thank the community for attending the 2024 Clarkston Garden Walk. Your attendance at this event helps to support the work the Clarkston Garden Club does in the community throughout the year. The Garden Walks require gardens, and we were thrilled with the support from the following gardeners […]