Pride Month is an opportunity to reflect on the way LGBT Americans must constantly advocate for the same liberties that most of us take for granted. Recently, Michigan’s legislature took steps to protect the liberty of your LGBT neighbors by guaranteeing protection against housing discrimination and employment discrimination (House Bill 4003 and Senate Bill 4). […]
The Clarkston High School Class of 2023 recently had a full week of festivities and fun, including an opportunity to enjoy a picnic at Clintonwood Park. The Senior Celebrations Committee was responsible for putting together this event, along with many other senior-related activities that took place in the last few weeks of school. Yard signs […]
The Independence Township Board’s 5 p.m. “special meeting” of May 16, 2023 regarding a four-day work week once again ignored any input from taxpayers. Township officials were in such a rush to get their unfavorable four-day work proposal in place that they held a “special meeting” at 5 p.m. with the expressed purpose of going […]
I am so happy with the report that Mayor Haven and dam owner Bob Roth, among others, are pleased that some partial funding has been secured to study the viability of relieving dam owners of their responsibilities for their dam asset and foisting dam ownership and liabilities upon taxpayers and homeowners. No doubt another pot […]
Clarkston Area Youth Assistance (CAYA) Pinwheels for Prevention Program sponsors and coordinates for the Clarkston community April is Child Abuse Prevention month, a nationwide campaign about preventing child abuse and neglect BEFORE IT HAPPENS. Prevention takes partnerships, collaborations, and community support. We are grateful to Clarkston Community Schools (CCS) for partnering on the 2023 Pinwheels […]
The residents have asked diligently to change the ordinance that allows nonresidents to serve on our boards. Supervisor Jose Aliaga, along with the township board, including Trustee Ron Ritchie, unanimously sent an ordinance revision to the planning commission that would require future zoning board of appeals members to be residents, which was denied by the […]
I am extremely disappointed in Supervisor Jose Aliaga’s support of the proposal for a four-day work week for Township employees. For a man who ran as the champion of the people, he threw us under the bus at the first opportunity. A three-day weekend every week with the corresponding reduction of township services by 20 […]
The 2023 Clarkston Area Youth Assistance Youth Recognition Ceremony and Dessert Reception was held April 26 to recognize and celebrate 70 honorees, Young Fives to Grade 12, for their personal contributions that made a positive impact on the well-being of their class, school, and community. There are many to thank, including volunteers who offered congratulations […]
I want to give a public shout-out to the newest member of the Clarkston School Board, Amanda Love. She came to read to my son’s class for March is Reading Month and has been very accessible on social media. I looked her up when I had a small concern with the school and she contacted […]
As longtime residents of Independence Township, we find it concerning that our tax dollars were wasted on a survey and a presentation on the possibility of the township going to a four-day work week. A survey that completely ignored taxpayers tells us what the pecking order is at town hall…employees first, taxpayers last. After reading […]