Dear Mr. Smith, I enjoyed and appreciated your introduction to the 2023 Progress Edition. I was struck particularly with two thoughts in your closing paragraph and I’ll tell you why: 1. “While a lot has changed since I first became enamored with the newspaper business, at the core, things remain the same.” I have been […]
It finally feels like spring here in Michigan! With less than a month to go, it’s a great time to get outside and walk and jog. It’s also a great time to register the 16th Annual Angels’ Place Race, scheduled for Saturday, May 13, 9 a.m., St Daniel Church, Clarkston. The Angels’ Place Race Committee […]
Has anyone else noticed the recent Clarkston ponds miracle? Ever since the late February Lake Improvement Board for Clarkston Mill Ponds met for public comment, and a plan to expend public funds toward acquiring the pond dam was approved, a miracle has occurred. I was skeptical about Mayor Haven’s assurance that the chance for taxpayers […]
Dear Editor, Clarkston Area Youth Assistance (CAYA) would like to thank the David W. Elliott Memorial Foundation for their generous donation of $5,000 towards our youth programs in 2023. CAYA provides scholarships to youth who would benefit from a positive learning experience, designed to enhance self-esteem, and a specific skill such as math or reading […]
The residents have spoken on so many occasions that they would prefer to have all township boards and committees filled with residents of the community. Supervisor Jose Aliaga promised in his campaign that he would fix the loophole that allows non-residents to sit on the zoning board of appeals if elected. He stayed true to […]
Dear Editor, After a week of clean up of downed tree limbs from two ice storms, Clarkston DPW workers handled 10 inches of heavy, wet snow Friday night. This snow is not easy to move. I know from blowing my driveway and front walk twice in about four hours that evening. Even heavy equipment is […]
Dear Editor, I want to give a shout out to Clarkston’s DPW and the Oakland County Road Commission for the assistance they provided following the ice storm last week. On Feb. 27, I received a call from our dog sitter, staying at our house, that a large part of one of the front trees had […]
Dear Mr. Rush, On behalf of my father, I would like to thank you for the article that you wrote about the Ambassador For Peace Medal (Attention Korean War veterans! Have you gotten your medal? Clarkston News, Jan. 11, 2023). My father was a corporal in the Army, (1951-1953), during the Korean conflict. He received […]
Thank you for the historic Holcomb home and property article (“Historic home sold; memories remain,” Clarkston News, Feb. 8, 2023). Since Butler Holcomb building the 1830s sawmill and trenching the mile-and-a-half long ditch on the east branch of the Clinton River for waterpower, the Mill Pond has thrived for two centuries as a focal point […]
More than a decade ago, we failed the American children by allowing the Sandy Hook tragedy to occur without taking further preventative action. Last week, a Michigan State University student, Jackie Matthews, shared her story about surviving two school shootings, Sandy Hook and MSU, and having lifelong physical and mental repercussions. She is not the […]